Last evening while guiding my close friend to park his car in my society, I was surprised to find a Hot Wheels car half buried in earth. I excitedly picked it up to find its Ford Torino. It’s cabin as well as under body was all filled up with mud. Looking at its condition, I could make out that this one must be buried there since long (may be pre monsoon). Wheels weren’t rolling and axles seemed to be bent. We can’t even guess how many times it must be pushed down in earth by real cars. I got it home and gave a proper wash with jet spray. After almost 2-3 teaspoons of mud washed out, finally it started rolling.
Now this is my treasured find and I intend to keep it with me forever. I look at it as a lucky charm and it will be treasured forever. I wonder who must be the real owner of this and how he/she lost it and how he/ she must have felt after loosing it. If at all I get to know about its real owner, I will gladly give him/ her a brand new one, but will keep this for myself! To conclude, every car has a story and how could I allow to end the story so soon? Happy to give it a new lease of life!!
#EveryCarIsSpecial #EveryCarHasAStory #CarStories #FordTorino #Crazy4Diecast #WheelsNWings #DiecastDeewane #secretsanta #secretsantagift #christmas2021 #christmasgifts #teasureforlife